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Angela Merkel made official visits to Croatia and Serbia on 22–23 August. The main subject was the two countries’ EU integration and the intensification of economic co-operation with Germany. The German chancellor emphasised that…
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A debate on the participation of the Bundeswehr soldiers in the NATO-led operation in Libya is taking place in Germany. What has given rise to the strongest criticism is the decision on the engagement of German soldiers without consulting…
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On 9 and 10 August, Germany’s two largest energy companies, RWE and E.ON, announced their results for the first half of this year. Their revenues grew while their net profits fell in the case of both companies. The decrease in their…
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Norbert Röttgen (CDU), the minister for environmental protection in the federal government, announced in an interview for the Westfälische Nachrichten newspaper on 29 July that an expert survey on the environmental impact of shale gas…
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On 27 July, the German Ministry of Economics held a meeting with representatives of business circles to discuss the possibilities of investing in Greece and helping this country overcome the economic crisis. The meeting fits in with the…
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| Justyna Gotkowska
On 18-19 July the 13th German-Russian intergovernmental consultations were held in Hanover. A dozenor so ministers from each country participated in the consultations along with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Dmitri Medvedev.
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| Konrad Popławski
A priority task for Germany is to restrain the unfavourable net balance of this country mainly by introducing a mechanism reducing Germany’s financial obligations and by scaling down the expenses on the Cohesion Policy, which no longer…
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The Bundesrat accepted a controversial law on 11 July introducing new car energy consumption labelling passed by the Bundestag, which will come into force in Germany on 1 October. The new classification is to introduce car CO2 emission…
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The first meeting of a working group consisting of representatives of all parliamentary groupings in the Bundestag, which is to deal with the liberalisation of the visa regime with Russia, was held on 29 June. This group was created partly…
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| Andrzej Wilk
While the contract of sale of the French ships to Russia – which has been commented on by the press worldwide from the very beginning – is mainly of political significance and bears no significant impact on the condition of the Russian…