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On 5 August the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the declaration of the Charter of German Expellees was held in Stuttgart. The Charter functions as a credo for the Federation of Expellees. The rank of the politicians that…
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On 13 August Eurostat published the data on the rate of economic growth in eurozone member states in the second quarter of this year. According to the statistics, the leader of growth in the eurozone was the German economy since it was…
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| Krzysztof Rutkowski
On 21 July, the German and French finance ministers, Wolfgang Schäuble and Christine Lagarde, announced a common German-French stance on eurozone reform. The joint document is intended to demonstrate that Germany and France are able to…
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The number three on the current list of most wanted war criminals of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Samuel Kunz (aged 88), was a guard at the Nazi concentration camp in Belzec (Bełżec) in 1942–1943. This former SS member would probably not…
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On 23 July, the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) published the results of European banks’ ‘stress tests’. From among the 91 tested institutions, 6 banks failed the tests, including Germany’s Hypo Real Estate. Other German…
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The verdict by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation ordering Germany to pay damages for war crimes committed in Italy during World War II is contrary to international law. This was announced on 20 July by the International Court of…
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| Justyna Gotkowska
Russia and Germany’s great expectations of the Modernisation Partnership project are being restrained by systematic limitations in both countries.
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On 11 July, the German press announced that Gazprom had invited the German company RWE, a strategic shareholder of the EU project Nabucco, to join the South Stream project. The proposal was probably aimed at discrediting Nabucco…
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The board of the foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation was appointed on 8 July. The Bundestag approved its composition by the votes of the Christian Democrats and Liberals. For the government coalition politicians this means success…
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| Marta Zawilska-Florczuk
Due to competition among particular coalition parties and no consent on the cabinet’s priorities, cooperation between the Christian Democrats and the liberals until the end of their term will be limited to the most urgent projects. However…