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OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak, Adam Michalski, Marcin Popławski
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has now been ongoing for almost two years, is not only leading to significant political re-evaluations, but is also bringing with it significant transformations in Eurasian transport routes. One of the…
OSW Report | | Wojciech Górecki
The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is the ‘mother’ of all post-Soviet conflicts. It is the oldest of them, it involves the largest number of actors (including mediators and intermediaries), and also covers the most dimensions: military,…
Point of View | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
Governed by an authoritarian regime Kazakhstan has been making efforts to modernise and has been searching for new development models free of Soviet legacy.
Point of View | | Maciej Falkowski
For several years Georgia has been experiencing processes which may be interpreted as symptoms of a deepening social and political crisis.
OSW Report | | Maciej Falkowski, Józef Lang
Islam in the former USSR and the phenomenon of the post-Soviet militants in Syria and Iraq.
Point of View | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
The crisis in EU-Russia relations over Ukraine has made the two players interested in the Southern Gas Corridor once again.
OSW Studies | | Józef Lang, Maciej Falkowski
The end of the Western military presence in Central Asia will mean the West’s influence on the security sphere in the region will be marginalised.
OSW Studies | | Wojciech Górecki
Since the collapse of the USSR, Russian influence in Central Asia has undergone a far-reaching erosion. The process is unlikely to be reversed.
OSW Report | | Józef Lang
Radical Islamic militants from Central Asia have ceased to be a local phenomenon. They have become a kind of ‘jihad academy’.
OSW Studies | | Krzysztof Strachota, Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
The collapse of the USSR brought about conditions conducive to the dynamic development of relations between Central Asia and China. These relations have evolved from deep mistrust to the continually growing Chinese presence primarily in…