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Point of View |
| Wojciech Konończuk
More than two years after the Maidan revolution, it is fully justified to say that the oligarchic system remains a key mechanism in Ukraine’s political and economic life. The oligarchs have been able to hold on to their influence thanks to…
OSW Report |
| Rafał Bajczuk
Natural gas, after crude oil, is the most important energy carrier in the German economy. Over the past twenty years, natural gas has been the only conventional energy carrier to have increased its share in the German energy basket.
Point of View |
| Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
Governed by an authoritarian regime Kazakhstan has been making efforts to modernise and has been searching for new development models free of Soviet legacy.
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski
The latest results from the Visegrád Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner.
OSW Report |
The Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, is playing a prominent role in the framework of V4 cooperation.
Point of View |
| Maciej Falkowski
For several years Georgia has been experiencing processes which may be interpreted as symptoms of a deepening social and political crisis.
Point of View |
| Jolanta Darczewska, Piotr Żochowski
Building up an image of Russophobic countries is currently instrumental in shaping a neo-imperial political identity among the Russians.
Point of View |
After 15 years of Putin’s rule, Russia’s economic model based on revenue from energy resources has exhausted its potential.
OSW Report |
| Maciej Falkowski, Józef Lang
Islam in the former USSR and the phenomenon of the post-Soviet militants in Syria and Iraq.
Point of View |
| Maciej Falkowski
A change of government in the Kremlin, would mean the fall of Kadyrov’s regime, and the reactivation of pro-independence rhetoric in Chechnya.