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OSW Report |
The similarity of issues and geographical proximity have led the Visegrad 4 countries (V4) to undertake closer collaboration in natural gas policy, notably by agreeing on a common security of supply strategy, including regional emergency…
OSW Report |
The contracting defence budgets in Europe, the difficulties in developing the EU’s security policy, NATO's transformation, the reorientation of US security policy and the problems experienced by European defence industries – all together…
OSW Report |
| Marta Zawilska-Florczuk, Konrad Popławski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Piotr Buras
Zainicjowana w maju 2011 roku, kilka miesięcy po awarii elektrowni atomowej w Fukushimie transformacja energetyczna RFN przedstawiana jest jako decyzja ostateczna, a ze względu na narzucone tempo zmian stanowi nową jakość w strategii…
OSW Report |
| Tomasz Dąborowski, Jakub Groszkowski
Despite their initial interest in shale gas exploration, over the past year Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Romania have become increasingly sceptical about the development of unconventional gas resources. In January of this year Bulgaria…
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski
The aim of this report is to look at the EU budget from the point of view of Germany as one of the greatest beneficiaries of EU policies. The text presents the significance of particular budget items for Germany, such as the Common…
OSW Report |
| Iwona Wiśniewska, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Zuzanna Brunarska
EU needs to develop a fully-fledged external energy policy; i.e. a common, coherent, strategic approach that build bridges between the interests and needs of the EU integrated energy market on the one hand and supplier countries on the…
OSW Report |
| Agata Łoskot-Strachota
The European Commission brought up the issue in the "Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy" and questions about the most important directions, goals and tools of the external energy policy are the subject…
OSW Report |
| Justyna Gotkowska
Contact network building and political lobbying, development co-operation programmes and foreign cultural and science policy are vital for supporting the German economy – which relies heavily on exports – and for the country’s ambition to…
OSW Report |
| Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz
Contrary to the widely-held belief, Polish-Russian conflicts do not stem from genetic Russophobia on the part of Poland, or irrational prejudice on the part of Russia. Their substance is real and concerns strategic issues.
OSW Report |
| Agata Dubas, Jadwiga Rogoża, Iwona Wiśniewska
The financial reserves accumulated in times of prosperity (more than US$162 billion in the stabilisation funds and nearly US$598 billion in the currency and gold reserve) alleviated the negative impact of the crisis, although this failed…