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Point of View |
| Justyna Gotkowska
The creation of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) in December 2017 crowned the series of recent debates and actions aimed at strengthening the common security and defence policy of the EU.
OSW Studies |
| Jakub Jakóbowski, Konrad Popławski, Marcin Kaczmarski
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe.
OSW Studies |
| Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s policy in the Middle East is part of a broader strategy aimed at creating an international order in which Russia would be protected against Western interference in its internal affairs and stand on an equal footing with the United…
Point of View |
| Jolanta Darczewska
Russia’s Cossacks evoke extreme opinions among observers: some see them as a marginal social phenomenon, a kind of political folklore; others as a morally and physically healthy part of the nation, a pillar of the modern paramilitary…
OSW Studies |
| Tadeusz A Olszański
On 24 August 1991, the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR proclaimed independence, and on 1 December the same year, the Ukrainian people ratified that proclamation in a referendum. The new Ukrainian state had some very important assets,…
OSW Studies |
| Rafał Bajczuk
In its time in power, which is shortly to end, the CDU/CSU-SPD coalition introduced key legislative changes enabling a further transformation of the energy sector.
Point of View |
| Maria Domańska
The Kremlin’s foreign policy is subordinate above all to the domestic political aims of the ruling elite.
Point of View |
| Mateusz Chudziak
The Republic of Turkey has been undergoing a thorough transformation since 2002 under the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). On the ideological level this transformation entered a decisive stage after the coup of 15 July 2016…
Point of View |
| Tadeusz A Olszański
The war with Russia which began in 2014 has triggered serious changes in the way history is thought about by the Ukrainian public, especially in opinion-forming circles. The liberal reflection critical about the nationalist tradition…
OSW Studies |
| Piotr Szymański
The Baltic states are often viewed by the West and Russia as a single region. However, the different economic and demographic potentials, strategic cultures and geographic location result in differences in their defence solutions.