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OSW Commentary | | Michał Kędzierski
Due to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the mounting energy and gas crisis in Europe, 2022 saw a spell of permanent crisis management in the German energy sector, in particular gas. The structure of Germany’s imports has changed…
OSW Commentary | | Krzysztof Dębiec
Miloš Zeman will complete his second presidential term in March 2023. He will be replaced by one of eight candidates who will face off in the January elections. The first round of voting will take place on 13–14 January, with a second…
OSW Commentary | | Szymon Kardaś
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have serious consequences for the health of the Russian oil sector, which is one of the most important branches of the country’s economy. Although its production and export performance, and consequently…
OSW Commentary | | Michał Bogusz
In November 2022, China’s leader Xi Jinping embarked on a wide-ranging diplomatic campaign to prevent an uncontrolled breakdown of relations with the West, which should be considered a short-term success, at least in terms of reopening…
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
At the beginning of September 2022, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbia and Croatia. The trip was the culmination of Turkish diplomatic activity towards the region in recent months.
OSW Commentary | | Iwona Wiśniewska
In Q3 2022, the economy of the Russian Federation increasingly suffered negative consequences from the sanctions imposed on Russian exports. A ban on imports of a substantial part of Russian steel and iron into the EU came into force in…
OSW Commentary | | Michał Bogusz
The 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ended with the complete triumph of Xi Jinping and marks the culmination of a process of radical overhaul of the political system created in the 1980s and 1990s. It marks not only the…
OSW Commentary | | Łukasz Kobeszko
After 16 years of independence, there are no significant political forces in Montenegro that could openly challenge this status and seek to re-establish a federation with Serbia. However, the relationship with Serbia continues to be among…
OSW Commentary | | Lidia Gibadło
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revived the ongoing discussion in Germany regarding the need to revise its policy towards China. Until recently, the course Berlin adopted towards Beijing and Moscow was not only convergent in many aspects…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak
The ongoing war in Ukraine has had a disastrous impact on the country’s economy. Its GDP has fallen by approximately a third, and material losses due to the destruction of infrastructure have exceeded US$100 billion and are rising every…