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OSW Commentary | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s relations with Iran are almost entirely based on geopolitical considerations. The Russian elite perceives Iran as an essential, albeit difficult partner, with whom it shares a number of interests; a partner who understands the…
OSW Commentary | | Krzysztof Nieczypor
According to data compiled by the World Health Organization, since 2018 Ukraine has had the world’s second highest number of measles virus infections. A major increase in the number of individuals infected with measles has been recorded…
OSW Commentary | | Maria Domańska
The sacralised Soviet victory over Nazism is a central element of the politics of memory, as utilised by the Russian state today. It constitutes an important theme in the Kremlin’s ideological offensive that is intended to legitimise…
OSW Commentary | | Szymon Kardaś, Wojciech Konończuk
A five-year contract concerning Russian gas transit via Ukraine was signed after four days of negotiations on 30 December 2019. The previous contract expired on 1 January 2020. The EU-brokered talks between Moscow and Kyiv preceding the…
OSW Commentary | | Justyna Gotkowska
The run-up to the celebrations of NATO’s 70th anniversary in London revealed a wide range of problems the Alliance is currently facing, starting with the differing narratives on trans-Atlantic relations, the varying threat perceptions,…
OSW Commentary | | Maria Domańska
The Russian leadership views the Internet primarily as a battlefield of an information war, i.e. an alternative to military action in the context of the ongoing confrontation with the West. Kremlin regards Russian Internet users who spread…
OSW Commentary | | Michał Bogusz
The protests in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong have been going on since March, and were triggered by a bill allowing extradition of inhabitants of the region to the People’s Republic of China. The demonstrations are…
OSW Commentary | | Mateusz Chudziak, Mariusz Marszewski
The presence of Syrian refugees is putting increasing strain on Turkey. Since the migration agreement was signed with the EU in March 2016, the number of refugees in Turkey has risen from more than 2.7 million to more than 3.6 million. The…
OSW Commentary | | Michał Kędzierski
The slowdown in expansion of onshore wind farms poses a serious threat to the German Energiewende. In 2018, wind power accounted for half of the electricity obtained from RES, and is considered the driving force behind the Energiewende. In…
OSW Commentary | | Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Szymon Kardaś
On 10 September, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) annulled a decision issued by the European Commission on 28 October 2016 allowing the Russian Gazprom to send greater volumes of gas through the OPAL pipeline. The CJEU…