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OSW Commentary | | Tomasz Piechal
Illegal amber mining in Ukraine has intensified since the Revolution of dignity.
OSW Commentary | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The improvement of economic indicators, along with the manner of presenting data, result in loss of their accuracy, what justifies reservations towards them.
OSW Commentary | | Krzysztof Strachota
The citizens of Turkey voted in a national referendum to amend the constitution. This will lead to a radical strengthening of the president’s power.
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz A Olszański
The political situation in Ukraine is determined primarily by the ongoing war, and the situation of stalemate at the front is raising the level of public impatience.
OSW Commentary | | Józef Lang
Over the past fifteen years, the presence in Russia of several million labour migrants from Central Asia has been a key determinant of the region’s stability.
OSW Commentary | | Józef Lang
The terrorist attacks in Stockholm and Saint Petersburg were preceded by other large scale terrorist attacks conducted by Islamic radicals from Central Asia.
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz Iwański
The economic statistics for 2016 indicate that Ukraine has managed to overcome the toughest phase of the economic crisis. 
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Frymark
The three million-strong Turkish diaspora in Germany, of whom nearly a half have the right to vote, makes bilateral relations between the two countries important.
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński
In 2016 the basic macroeconomic indicators of the Belarusian economy clearly proved that the Belarusian government failed to reverse the negative trends.
OSW Commentary | | Justyna Gotkowska
The new administration of President Donald Trump is pushing for its European allies to increase their defence budgets.