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OSW Commentary | | Konrad Popławski
On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the economic and monetary union. It will introduce new fiscal constraints and officially vest new competences in the eurozone…
OSW Commentary | | Ewa Paszyc
As the difficulties Gazprom has faced in recent years on the European market have multiplied[1], so more and more symptoms have appeared which may suggest that the company’s dominant position is deteriorating. The decision made by the…
OSW Commentary | | Marta Zawilska-Florczuk
Germany had a positive approach to the strategy right from planning stage. This project contributed to the continuation of Germany’s co-operation with the countries in this region, which has been conducted since the mid 1980s mainly by…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz Iwański
The decision passed by the International Court of Justice in The Hague in February 2009, which finally determined the status of the Snake Island and the delimitation of the borders of Ukraine’s and Romania’s exclusive economic zones on the…
OSW Commentary | | Piotr Buras
In the post-war era, Germany has undergone a deep change almost like clockwork every two decades. In 1949, the foundations were laid for the establishment of the two German states: the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński
The lack of freedom of manoeuvre in foreign policy, no possibility to maintain a costly economic model and the lack of support from the majority of society all prove that Alexander Lukashenko's regime is in severe crisis.
OSW Commentary | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Krzysztof Strachota
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh poses the greatest challenge to the security and stability of the Southern Caucasus. Although a ceasefire has been in place and a peace process under way since 1994, there…
OSW Commentary | | Konrad Mazur
It is possible that while establishing the details of cooperation between the Russian and German companies, Russia will try to put pressure on Germany to give up competing projects such as Nabucco. However, a well-diversified German energy…
OSW Commentary | | Jakub Groszkowski
For the past eighteen months the Slovak government, formed by conservative and liberal parties, has consistently called for the controlled bankruptcy of Greece, a tightening of the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact, and for the…
OSW Commentary | | Marcin Kaczmarski, Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
In recent months work on the establishment of the Russian development assistance system has been accelerated. This move proves that the Kremlin attaches weight to activity in this area which is an element of soft power politics, the…