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On 8 November, the Belarusian deputy prime minister Uladzimir Siemashka announced that in the second half of this month a test transmission of oil to Belarus via Ukrainian territory will be carried out along the Odessa-Brody pipeline, and…
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On 6 November, President Dmitri Medvedev vetoed as "unconstitutional" the amendments to the law on public assemblies adopted by Parliament, which impose restrictions on the organisers of demonstrations. The President’s veto, which was well…
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On 2 November the head of the Italian gas group Edison, Umberto Quadrino, reported that his company has filed a lawsuit at the Court of Arbitration in Stockholm against Promgas, a company belonging to Gazprom and Italy’s ENI. The suit…
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On 3-4 November, Iran’s foreign minister Manushehr Mottaki visited Georgia,. The most important result of the visit was the signing of an agreement on visa-free travel, the opening of an Iranian consulate in Batumi, and an agreement on…
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On November 16, one of the best-known Russian bloggers, the lawyer Alexei Navalny, published online documents about large-scale financial fraud during the construction of the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO). The documents he…
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On 16 November, in Kyiv and many other Ukrainian cities, protests took place on a scale not seen since 2004. In Kyiv more than thirty thousand people from throughout Ukraine protested in front of Parliament; in Khmielnitski there were…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
Germany’s strong resistance to the US proposal to reduce the global trade imbalance proves that German politicians perceive exports as the main driver of their country’s economic development.
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Representatives of Russia’s Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) in the presence of the two countries’ prime ministers, Vladimir Putin and Boyko Borisov, signed agreements on 13 November in Sofia which will establish a company to…
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On 12 November, the Bundestag voted in favour of a healthcare system reform. The law, which will come into force on 1 January 2011, will impose higher treatment costs on citizens. This is aimed at reducing deficits in the healthcare funds…
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On 1 November, the Russian Federation introduced additional conditions for granting visas to German citizens. Now they must meet similar criteria to Russian citizens applying for a Schengen visa. No restrictions of this kind have been…