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On 16 November, the Hungarian parliament seriously restricted the competences of the Constitutional Court. The new regulations, which have been pushed through by Fidesz and its allies, the Christian Democrats, have almost completely…
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On 8 November, the EU’s Council of Justice and Home Affairs unanimously decided to lift the obligation of holding short-term (3-month) visas for citizens of BiH and Albania who cross the border of the Schengen Area. The decision will come…
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On 8 November, the special commission of historians who had been investigating the activity of the German Ministry of Finance between 1933 and 1945, presented its initial report. According to the historians, the ministry was co-responsible…
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Lithuania’s Seimas amended the citizenship act on 4 November. The new law grants individuals of Lithuanian background the right to hold double citizenship. Double citizenship is allowed on condition that one of the person’s parents is a…
Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
From the early results of Ukraine’s communal elections, it appears that the Party of Regions has taken control over the local government authorities of most regions and big cities, thus ending the process of monopolising power in the…
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On 29 October, the head of the Russian anti-narcotics agency (FSKN), Viktor Ivanov, reported on an American/Russian operation on the border with Pakistan. Russian involvement in the action, the aim of which was to destroy drug production…
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On 31 October, President Dmitri Medvedev became the first Russian leader since 1945 to visit one of the Kuril Islands. In response Japan, which considers the southern part of the islands as occupied territory (no peace treaty was signed…
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Up to 11 candidates for president of Belarus submitted their letters of support, each containing at least 100,000 signatures, before the expiry of the deadline for registration on 29 October, including the incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka.…
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On 2 November in Ashgabat, the deputy prime minister of Russia Viktor Zubkov participated in the fifth session of the Turkmen/Russian economic committee, and met President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov. The only result of the visit was the…
Analyses |
On 27 October, during a session of the inter-governmental committee for economic cooperation, Ukraine and Russia signed an agreement on linking their countries’ aircraft production, which will allow the Ukrainian aircraft industry to…