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Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
For the first time in its history, Azerbaijan will de facto have a chance to sell its gas on European markets (Greece, Bulgaria) and in the Near East (Syria).
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
But the results of the elections confirm that the political scene has been effectively atomised; this does not give hope for the creation of a stable government, which will be able to confront the deep internal crisis in which the state…
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On 10 October elections to regional parliaments, city councils and mayoralties of cities took place in 77 subjects of the Russian Federation. In all the elections, the ‘party of government’, United Russia, won: smaller parties linked to…
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On 7 and 8 October, the Parliament of Ukraine introduced changes to a range of laws regulating the competences of organs of state to the extent required by the restoration of the 1996 constitution. Parliament also began work on a rapid…
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On 9 to 11 September, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka of Belarus paid a working visit to China, during which a range of bilateral agreements was signed on Chinese loans to Belarus. This visit is another example of Minsk working to obtain…
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On 7 October, the head of Rostiekhnologii, Sergei Chemyezov, stated that the contract to deliver S-300 missile systems to Iran had been cancelled. This decision closes one of the most contentious issues in Russia’s relations with both the…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
EU representatives had hoped that as a result of the elections held on 3 October in Bosnia the government elite would be replaced with a team more willing to compromise on changing the country’s political system.
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The 110 kilometre long Arad–Szeged gas pipeline is to be launched officially on 14 October and will connect the gas pipeline systems of Romania and Hungary. The investment will contribute to improving the two countries’ energy security and…
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On 12 October Germany was elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC). An intensive campaign which has been conducted since 2006 across the world has enabled Germany to gain an advantage over its rivals, Portugal and…
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Norbert Lammert, the speaker of the German parliament, on 8 October decided that the Office for the Stasi Archives should check how many agents the East German secret service had in the German parliament between 1949 and 1989. A motion…