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OSW Commentary | | Krzysztof Strachota
… attacks that the countries of the South Caucasus (and Azerbaijan in particular) could provide has been the … stability of the Southern Caucasus. While it seems that Azerbaijan is not Israel's partner in the preparations … troops in the Caucasus, the tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan are indeed high. Moreover, the global image …
OSW Report | | Wojciech Bartuzi, Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Krzysztof Strachota
… conflicts in Georgia's Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and Azerbaijan's conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh (including … in the course of the war). Neither Georgia nor Azerbaijan have had any control over the disputed areas … political and economic involvement in Georgia and Azerbaijan (including support for reforms and …
OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak, Adam Michalski, Marcin Popławski
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has now been ongoing for almost two years, is not only leading to significant political re-evaluations, but is also bringing with it significant transformations in Eurasian transport routes. One of the…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
… the defeat in the so-called ‘Four-Day War’ with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh in April 2016 and the … for launching the process of normalising relations with Azerbaijan and ease the widespread frustration among the … some of the territories adjacent to Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan. This scenario is difficult to implement due …
OSW Commentary | | Maciej Falkowski
… dimension, the war, which was viewed as Moscow-endorsed Azerbaijani aggression, undermined people’s trust in … a geopolitical deadlock: it is in a state of war with Azerbaijan, has no relations with Turkey and, most … in Armenia’s strength and the ‘organic’ weakness of the Azerbaijani army, based on psychological factors (the …
Analyses | | Wojciech Górecki
… more than seven months after the defeat in the war with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. The defeat has … the unstable situation in the south of the country and Azerbaijan's increasing attempts to unilaterally … Republic during the victorious first war with Azerbaijan in the early 1990s. Criminal cases are …
Analyses | | Mariusz Marszewski
… all five coastal countries (Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) adopted a framework … and the BTE gas pipeline were put into operation, and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia set the borders of … Trans-Caspian gas pipeline running from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan (at present, the implementation of this …
Analyses | | Łukasz Kobeszko, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Adam Michalski
… 3 bcm). As Bulgaria already has a 25-year contract with Azerbaijan, which guarantees it supply of 1 bcm of gas … Bulgaria to receive all of the gas it contracted from Azerbaijan. This and other gas supplies via the Greek … state has direct pipeline connections with Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran, and will open its fifth LNG …
Analyses | | Marcin Popławski
… has been pushing for a return to talks with the EU, Azerbaijan and Turkey on the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline. … a mandate to launch negotiations with Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan on constructing the pipeline, but interest in … be able to increase its swap deliveries through Iran to Azerbaijan, which have been ongoing since January last …
Analyses | | Rafał Sadowski
… agreements with Armenia on 27 February, and with Azerbaijan on 1 March. In its conclusions on 27 … and intellectual property protection. In the case of Azerbaijan, which cannot begin DCFTA negotiations as it … fair elections. The very high levels of corruption in Azerbaijan and Armenia are also negative factors, as is …