Since 2005 at the Centre for Eastern Studies as the founder and head of the Germany Team. Now head of the Department for Germany and Northern Europe. Previously chief specialist dealing with Polish-German relations and cross-border and inter-regional co-operation at the Department for International Co-operation of the Ministry of Interior and Administration; executive secretary of the Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission for Regional and Cross-border Co-operation and the Joint Polish-Flemish Commission. Studied Arabic at the Tashkent University (Uzbekistan) and obtained a degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Vienna. Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science. Member of European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.
- foregin and internal policy of Germany and the German politics of memory
The German perfect model… on credit, OSW Commentary, February 2024;
Germany, Poland, Ukraine: how can we avoid the kitsch of reconciliation?, Liberale Moderne, 30 May, 2023
What Germany does not know, New Eastern Europe, Warsaw December 2022;
Berlin’s strategic ignorance, New Eastern Europe, Warsaw June 2022;
Germany radically revises its policy towards Russia, OSW, Warsaw March 2022;
Cinderella became the Empress. How Merkel has changed Germany, OSW, Warsaw, June 2021;
Strangers like us. Germans in the search for a new identity, OSW, Warsaw, December 2019;
'Czy Niemcy są za silne w Europie', Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny, no 3/2019, July 2019;
‘Niemcy – polityczna kultura kompromisu’, Instytut Wolności, June 2017;
‘Alternatywa dla Niemiec – partia, której miało nigdy nie być’, Instytut Wolności, June 2016;
‘Dusza rosyjska i niemiecka’, Rzeczpospolita, 14.02.2016;
- 'Germany in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: a political or a humanitarian mission?', OSW Commentary, no. 163, 18.02.2015
- ‘The German reaction to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict – shock and disbelief’, OSW Commentary, no. 132, 03.04.2014
- Germany on Russia. Yes to links, no to rapprochement, OSW, Warsaw, 2014
- Germany's energy transformation: difficult beginnings, OSW, Warsaw, 2012
‘Nowa polityka energetyczna Niemiec zagrożeniem dla Polski?’, Rzeczpospolita, 23.10.2012
'Niemcy - Mocarstwo pragmatyczne', Teologia Polityczna Co Tydzień, 04.10.2012, https://teologiapolityczna.pl
'The expensive energy revolution in Germany. The implementation of the Energiewende is behind schedule', OSW Commentary no.77, 10.05.2012
'Zagraniczna polityka surowcowa', Rzeczpospolita, 01.04.2012;
'Mocarstwo pragmatyczne', Nowa Europa no. 12 / 2012;
'Potrzebujemy asertywnych Niemiec', Rzeczpospolita, 21.09.2011;
- 'Forerunners or scaremongers? Germany to abandon nuclear power', OSW Commentary no. 58, 21.07.2011
- 'Gemischte Bilanz 20 Jahre Nachbarschaftsvertrag', Osteuropa, 5-6.06. 2011 Denkfabrik Polen;
- 'The natural resources deficit: the implications for German politics', OSW Commentary, no.46, 8.02.2011
- It’s not (only) about Erika Steinbach. Three myths in the German discourse on the resettlements, OSW, Warsaw, August 2010
- Doradztwo w polityce zagranicznej RFN - inspiracje dla Polski, OSW, Warsaw, December 2008
- II Wojna Światowa w niemieckiej prasie - wybrane przykłady z rocznicowego roku 2005, OSW, Warsaw, June 2005;