Since February 2000, analyst at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), initially at the Economy Department, and subsequently at the Russian Department.
Between 2012-2014 First Secretary of Economic Affairs of the Embassy of Poland in Astana, between 2014-2016 Head of the Economic Department of the Embassy of Poland in Moscow.
University education: Warsaw School of Economics (1994-2000): MA in economics, major in International Economic and Political Relations completed as part of the European and Eastern study paths.
Warsaw School of Economics (2001-2002): Extramural post-graduate studies in Corporate taxation and finance.
The economy of Russia: macroeconomic trends, ownership transformations, development of the energy sector, Russia’s investment policy and economic co-operation with abroad.
- The EU’s ninth sanctions package: symbolic unity, December 2022;
- Russia: export restrictions and mobilisation – more blows to the economy, November 2022;
- The EU’s eighth package of sanctions against Russia: approaching the oil price cap, October 2022;
- Russia in a gas war with Europe, August 2022, co-author.
- Russia: no dollars for citizens, August 2022.
- Russia is intensifying the global food crisis, June 2022.
- The economic consequences of the war: a profound crisis looming for Russia, March 2022.
- Massive indirect sanctions are hitting Russia, March 2022.
- Sputnik over Europe, April 2021, co-author.
- Sputnik V: research, production, vaccination campaign and export, February 2021.
- Russia in the global ‘vaccine race’, October 2020, co-author.
- Digitalisation under surveillance. The development of the 5G network in Russia, October 2020.
- The environmental disaster in the Arctic. Moscow’s neo-colonial exploitation of Russia’s regions, August 2020, co-author.
- Fortress Kaliningrad. Ever closer to Moscow, November 2019, co-author.
- Priceless friendship. The Kremlin’s support for Vladimir Putin’s cronies; October 2018.
- The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia – circuses instead of bread?; September 2018, co-author.
- Washington’s game of ‘sanctions poker’ Russia awaits America’s decisions, February 2018;
- Putin for the fourth time. The state of and prospects for Russia (2018-2024); March 2018, co-author.
- Washington’s game of ‘sanctions poker’ Russia awaits America’s decisions, February 2018, co-author.
- Kaliningrad Oblast 2016. The society, economy and army; December 2016, co-author.
- A captive island: Kaliningrad between Moscow and the EU; July 2012, co-author.
- Eurasian integration. Russia's attempt at the economic unification of the Post-Soviet area; July 2013;
- The invisible hand... of the Kremlin. Capitalism 'a la russe', February 2007.