Jacek Tarociński
Research Fellow
Security and Defence Department
Research fellow at the Security and Defence Department since 2022. A graduate of military studies (bachelor's degree) and history (master's degree) at the University of Wrocław.
- security and defence policy of Nordic states (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
- US and NATO military presence on the eastern flank
- the military organisation and equipment of the NATO countries
Major publications
- The Russian Challenge. A Polish-German expert paper for a new Russia policy, LibMod-OSW Policy Paper, 18 December 2024 (współautor)
- On the warpath: the development and modernisation of the Baltic states’ armed forces, OSW Commentary, 10.05.2024
- Military exercises on NATO’s north-eastern flank. Moving towards intensification and synchronisation, OSW Commentary, 28.12.2023
- Sweden in NATO: the rear for the Alliance’s north-eastern flank?, OSW Commentary, 23.11.2023
- The Baltic states and Finland: fencing themselves off from Russia and Belarus, OSW Commentary OSW, 15.09.2023
- Arms deliveries to Ukraine: crossing the red lines, OSW Commentary, 9.06.2023
- Safe skies? Air defence on NATO’s northern, eastern and south-eastern flank, OSW Commentary, 19.01.2023
- NATO after Madrid: how much deterrence and defence on the eastern flank?, OSW Commentary, 5.07.2022