Senior fellow at the Centre for Eastern Studies, specializing in Ukraine, formerly a longtime expert on Russia (political and social issues). Has diplomatic experience (served as counsellor at the Polish Embassy in Moscow). Visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, participant of several international projects, including Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform. Long-term cooperation with Polish state administration and EU institutions, NGOs and periodicals focusing on Eastern European affairs. Studied at English studies at the University of Łódź and political science at the University of Warsaw. Co-author of the book "Katyń. In the Footsteps of the Crime".
- Ukraine – political, social and cultural aspects
Ukraine in the face of a demographic catastrophe, OSW Commentary, 11.07.2023,
Ukraine: a decisive blow to the Moscow Patriarchate?, OSW Commentary, 19.04.2023,
New Ukraine: a breakthrough at great cost, OSW Commentary, 22.02.2023,
Ukrainian society rallies against the aggressor, OSW Commentary, 14.03.2022,
Ukraine’s disputes over the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre, OSW Commentary, 22.10.2021,
Russia: Can Covid-19 Help Reinstate Kaliningrad’s Autonomy?, Italian institute for international political Studies (ISPI), 20 May 2020,
Protests in Russia: Numerous yet dispersed, Baltic Rim Economies 1/2020,
"Russia: harsh sentences after a show trial", OSW, February 2020,
"Fortress Kaliningrad. Ever closer to Moscow" (co-author), OSW Report, November 2019,
"Russia: the rise and fall of the summer protests", OSW, August 2019,
"Excess cultural baggage. Social mobilisation in an authoritarian Russia", OSW, July 2019,
“Katyń. Guide of the Crime Trail”, Jadwiga Rogoża, Maciej Wyrwa, Warsaw 2019,
"Moscow’s harsh reaction to Ukraine’s expected autocephaly”, OSW Analyses September 2018,
“The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia – circuses instead of bread?” (with Iwona Wisniewska), OSW Commentary, September 2018,
“A stinking business. Environmental issues, protests and big money in the waste business in Russia”, OSW Commentary, August 2018,
“The tsar’s old clothes. Putin’s fourth inauguration”, OSW Analyses, May 2018,
“Late Putin. The end of growth, the end of stability”, Point of View, October 2015,
“Crimea, one year after the annexation: the end of the honeymoon?” (with Ewa Fischer), OSW Commentary, March 2015,
“Potemkin conservatism. An ideological tool of the Kremlin” (with Witold Rodkiewicz), OSW Point of View, February 2015,
“Conservative Counterrevolution: Evidence of Russia’s Strength or Weakness?”, Russian Analytical Digest 154, July 2014,
„Russian nationalism: between imperialism and xenophobia”, the European View, June 2014,
“Federation without federalism. Relations between Moscow and the regions”, OSW Studies, May 2014, https://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/osw-studies/2014-05-07/federation-without-federalism-relations-between-moscow-and;
„Снизу постучали: российское общество инициирует перемены”, Неприкосновенный запас 2/2013