OSW Senior Research Fellow for the Republic of Moldova (since 2012) and also Romania (since 2018). Graduate (MA) of International Relations (specialisation: Eastern Studies) and Journalism and Social Communication (BA) at the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań. Holder of a postgraduate degree in "Energy Trade on the European Market" at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in Warsaw.
He participated in academic exchanges at universities in Prague (Charles University), Moscow (State Linguistic University), Chisinau (Moldovan State University) and Kyiv (Taras Shevchenko University).
From 2016 to 2019, co-coordinator of the Horizon 2020 research project EU-STRAT (http://eu-strat.eu/).
Apart from analytical studies, he regularly prepares journalistic texts devoted to Romanian and Moldovan issues (e.g. for Tygodnik Powszechny weekly magazine). Author of an essayist-reporter book "Moldova. The state of unnecessity" (Published in Polish by Czarne Publishing House, 2020).
- Political scene and social situation (including migration) in Romania and Moldova
- The economy and energy of Romania and Moldova
- Foreign and security policy of Romania and Moldova
- Całus K., The Russian hybrid threat toolbox in Moldova: economic, political and social dimensions, Hybrid CoE Working Paper 23, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, 2023
- Całus K., The unfinished state. 25 years of independent Moldova. OSW Studies, Warsaw 2018
- Całus K., Kosienkowski M., “Relations between Moldova and the European Union,”[in:] The European Union and its eastern neighbourhood: Europeanisation and its twenty-first-century contradictions, ed. Flenley P., Mannin M., Manchester University Press, 2018
- Całus K., In the shadow of history. Romanian-Moldovan relations, OSW Studies, Warsaw 2015
- Całus K., More independence, less fear. Moldova’s perspective on Russia after a year of war in Ukraine, OSW Commentary, 2023
- Całus K., Extremely cautious. Romania’s approach to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Analizy OSW, October 2022
- Całus K., Separatism and gas: Russian attempts to destabilise Moldova, OSW Commentary, 2022
- Całus K., Digitisation in Romania accelerates during the pandemic, OSW Commentary, 2021
- Całus K., Cooperation despite mistrust. The shadow of Trianon in Romanian-Hungarian relations, OSW Commentary, 2020
- Całus K. A pseudo-multi-vector policy. Moldova under the socialists, OSW Commentary, 2020
- Calus K., Kononczuk W., Explaining Oligarchic Moldova, Carnegie Europe, 2017 Link:
- Całus K., Moldova: from oligarchic pluralism to Plahotniuc’s hegemony, 2016
- Całus K., A captured state? Moldova’s uncertain prospects for modernisation, OSW Commentary, 2015
- Calus K., Power politics on the outskirts of the EU: why Transnistria matters, London School of Economics (LSE) South East Europe Blog, 2014
- Calus K., The Ukrainian Crisis: A New Context for a Transnistrian Settlement, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Fall 2014
- Całus K., Gagauzia: growing separatism in Moldova?, OSW Commentary, 2014
- Całus K, An aided economy. The characteristics of the Transnistrian economic model, OSW Commentary, 2013
- Całus K,. Association agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova European Implementation Assessment (update) | European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), Bruksela 2020.
- Całus K., Gromada, Oleksy P., Report on the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, [w:] Zygierewicz A., Association agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. European Implementation Assessment, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), Bruksela 2018.
- Moldova Country Report 2022 | Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2020 | Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Moldova Country Report 2020 | Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2020 | Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Moldova Country Report 2018 | Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2018 | Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Całus K., Mołdawia. Państwo Niekonieczne (eng. “Moldova. The state of unnecessity"), Wołowiec 2020,
- Całus K., Kosienkowski, M., Relations between Moldova and the European Union [w:] Mannin M.,Flenley P., The European Union and its eastern neighbourhood Europeanisation and its twenty-first-century contradictions, Manchester University Press, 2020. Link: https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526109101/