Kamil Kłysiński
Senior Fellow
Department for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova
At the Centre since 2007, with a break from 2013 to 2016, when he worked at the Polish Embassy in Vilnius. Participated in the EU-STRAT "Horizon 2020" research project on Eastern Partnership countries. Participation in the Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform programme. Regular contributor to New Eastern Europe. Graduate in political science at the Institute of Political Science and Journalism and in eastern studies at the Eastern Institute at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
- foreign and domestic policy of Belarus
- situation of the Belarusian economy, energy security
- social processes in Belarus
- Belarusian policy of remembrance
Major publications
- Tough business in tough times: Belarusian exports of potash fertilizers, “Commentary OSW”, 631, 20.11.2024
- The collective economy is ineffective. The state of the Belarusian agricultural sector, “OSW Report”, 7.11.2024
- The end of prosperity: The state of Belarusian refineries, “Commentary OSW”, 622, 29.08.2024
- A difficult legacy. Tensions over how to interpret the shared past of Lithuanian and Belarusian peoples (in co-authorship), “Commentary OSW”, 618, 7.08.2024
- A depopulating country. Belarus’s demographic situation, “Commentary OSW”, 547, 17.10.2023
- Towards a dependence with no alternative: Russia’s increased role in the Belarusian economy, “Commentary OSW”, 533, 18.08.2023
- “After Lukashenka: a brighter future for Belarus?” in: Insights & Analysis, CEPA, 21.07.2023, After Lukashenka: A Brighter Future for Belarus? - CEPA
- “Iron curtain on Belarus' western border: Does the crisis in Minsk's relations with its Baltic neighbors threaten Belarusian independence?” in: BSR Policy Briefing 4/2023, Centrum Balticum, BSR Policy Briefing 4/2023 - Centrum Balticum
- The price of dependence on Russia The economic consequences of Belaruss complicity in Russias aggression against Ukraine, Commentary OSW, 29.04.2022
- „W pułapce iluzji czyli o „stabilnej” Białorusi” in: Nowa Europa Wschodnia 1/2022
- Protest suspended – Belarusian society one year after the presidential elections, Commentary OSW, 3.08.2021
- Eradicating Polishness Lukashenka on the Polish national minority schools in Belarus, Commentary OSW, 22.04.2021
- Pressure being stepped up cautiously the EUs and USs sanctions against Belarus, Commentary OSW, 19.02.2021
- The non-strategic partnership. Belarus-China relations (in co-authorship), OSW Studies, https://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/osw-studies/2021-01-25/non-strategic-partnership.
- The regimes fight to survive 100 days of political crisis in Belarus, Commentary OSW
- Opposites put together. Belarus's politics of memory, (in co-authorship), OSW Report, 07.10.2020
- Troublesome Investment. The Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant in Astravyets, (in co-authorship), OSW Report, 09.07.2018
- „Aneksja w świetle prawa” in: Nowa Europa Wschodnia nr 2/2019
- The End Of The Myth of a brot herly Belarus Russian soft power in Belarus after 2014 the background and its manifestations, (in co-authorship), OSW Studies
- "Syzyfowe prace", in: Nowa Europa Wschodnia nr 3/4 2016
- Translation into Polish of the biography of Alexander Lukashenko by Valery Karbalewicz entitled Alexander Lukashenko. A Political Portrait, published by the PISM publishing house in 2013.
- „Zrozumieć Łukaszenkę – misja niemożliwa?” in: Nowy Prometeusz nr 4, Warszawa 2013
- Series of articles on Polish-Belarusian relations, in: Belorusskiy Ezhegodnik, in successive annual editions of the above-mentioned collection of publications from 2007 to 2011.
- „Spowiedź analityka czyli o pokorze wobec Wschodu” in: Nowa Europa Wschodnia, nr 6 (XXVI) 2012
- „Stosunki białorusko – rosyjskie. Inkorporacja czy partnerstwo?” in: „Białoruś – terra incognita” – materiały z konferencji, pod red. Prof. Mieczysława Smolenia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego, Kraków 2010
- „Poker z Łukaszenką” in: Nowa Europa Wschodnia, nr 1 (III) 2009