Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy
security in the Middle East region
foreign policy analysis and new trends in international relations
strategic foresight in public policy-making
Sen o potędze. Neoosmanizm w polityce zagranicznej Republiki Turcji (Turkey’s Dream of Power. Neo-Ottomanism in the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey), The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2023
Turecki sen o Europie – tożsamość zachodnia i jej wpływ na politykę zagraniczną Republiki Turcji (The Turkish Dream of Europe: Western Identity and Its Impact on the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey), The Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2015
‘For Our Freedom And Yours. Poland's Reading of the Ukrainian's Struggle Against Russia’, In-Depth Briefing, nr 30, The Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, May 2022
Turcja i NATO: między "znaczeniem strategicznym" a "koniem trojańskim Rosji" (Turkey and NATO: between 'strategic importance' and 'Russia's Trojan horse'), Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny, pp. 96-104, nr 3/2022
Customs Union: Old Instrument, New Function in EU-Turkey Relations, [co-author], SWP Comment 2020/C 48
Syria – gwóźdź do trumny sojuszu turecko-amerykańskiego i członkostwa Turcji w NATO? (Syria – a nail in the coffin of the Turkish-American alliance and Turkey's NATO membership?), „Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny”, pp. 83-92, nr 1/2020
Turkey's Response to Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine, „PISM Spotlight”, no 17, February 2022
Turkey: The European Union’s Adversarial Partner, „PISM Bulletin”, no 89 (2287), April 2021
Turkey’s “Coronadiplomacy”: The Pandemic in Turkish Foreign Policy, „PISM Bulletin”, no 75 (2007), April 2020
The Turkey-U.S. Dispute over Use of Russian S-400 System, „PISM Bulletin”, no 80 (1828), June 2019
Perspectives of Turkey’s Foreign Policy under the Presidential System, „PISM Bulletin”, nr 109 (1682), August 2018
Turkey’s Purchase of the S-400 System: Prospects and Consequences, „PISM Bulletin”, no 81 (1523), September 2017
Turcja w procesie przemian: wnioski dla strategii UE, (Turkey in the Process of Transformation: Implications for EU Strategy), The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2017