Krzysztof Dębiec
Krzysztof Dębiec
, PhD
Senior Fellow
Central European Department

Krysztof started working for Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in January 2018. His main research areas at OSW are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Previously, he worked as First Secretary for the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion at the Polish Embassy in Prague, where he supported Polish companies on the Czech market. To that end he provided them with information on local regulations, potential business partners or tenders on the Czech market, organised and operated Polish stands at trade fairs, and prepared market analyses, wrote economic news and helped update the guidebook to the Czech market. 

As an employee of the Economic and Trade Department of the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels (as an attaché) he was Deputy Chair of the EU Council Competitiveness and Growth Working Party during the Polish EU Council Presidency. At the Ministry of Economy he worked in the European Affairs Department and the Innovation and Industry Department, where he dealt with issues of EU economic competitiveness, innovation, SME support programmes, non-energy raw materials and the development of a low-emission economy.

He graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, SGH (with an MA in international relations) and the College of Europe (with an MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies). In 2011 he defended a PhD thesis on the economic implications of the immigration of citizens from the Central and Eastern European countries to the United Kingdom and obtained a PhD in economic sciences from the SGH Collegium of World Economy. He has the highest available language certificates for Czech, English and French, and also speaks Slovak and German.

  • Czech Republic’s domestic politics and foreign policy
  • Slovakia’s domestic politics and foreign policy
  • Regional cooperation in Central Europe
Major publications



Other analyses