Marek Matusiak
Marek Matusiak
Project coordinator
Israel-Europe Project

Coordinator of the Israel–Europe project. Previously, at OSW he dealt with issues relating to Turkey and the South Caucasus as well as other subjects. He has worked at Polish diplomatic missions in Tbilisi as a political and development cooperation officer and in Istanbul as an economic affairs officer. He was an election observer on behalf of various international institutions many times (including in Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan). Graduate of the University of Warsaw (MA in sociology) and the Istanbul Bilgi University (LLM in human rights law). He also studied at the Free University of Berlin and at the Centre for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw. He completed a traineeship at the secretariat of the Bundestag’s Committee on Foreign Affairs.

  • Israel’s foreign policy with special emphasis on relations with the EU, the US, Russia and Ukraine
  • Israel’s domestic policy
  • immigration to Israel from the countries of the former USSR
  • Israel’s politics of memory
Major publications