Marta Jaroszewicz
, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Former OSW Employee
- Political situation in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
- Eastern Partnership
- Migration and visa policy
Major publications
- “Can we expect a rise in migration from Eastern Europe?”, EUObserver, 7 July 2014.
- “Forecasting Migration into the V4”, Visegrad Inside, 1/2014.
- “Ukrainian Policy on Emigration”, Central European Migration Review, No. 1, 2014, co-author.
- “Nie będziemy Donbasem”, Nowa Europa Wschodnia, nr 5/2014, in Polish.
- “Irregular migration from Ukraine and Belarus to the EU: a risk assessment study”, Centre for Migration Research Working Papers, co-author, in printing.
- “Ukrainians EU Migration Prospects”, OSW Commentaries, March 2014.
- Forecasting migration between EU/V4 and Eastern Europe: Impact of Visa Abolishment (co-editor), Warsaw: OSW, July 2014.
- “Why Isn’t the V4 More Active In Visa Liberalisation in Eastern Europe”, Visegrad Revue, 08.03.2013, http://visegradrevue.eu/?p=1444.
- „Religia i stosunki międzynarodowe we współczesnej Białorusi”, [w:] T. Stępniewski (red.), Religia jako czynnik w stosunkach międzynarodowych na obszarze Europy Wschodniej, Kaukazu i Azji Centralnej, Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 2013, in Polish.
- “Procesy migracyjne na Kaukazie: uchodźstwo i emigracja zarobkowa”, [w:] T. Stępniewski, Kaukaz: kultura, społeczeństwo, polityka, Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 2012, s. 109-125, in Polish.
- „Polska a rozwój unijnej polityki w sferze zarządzania granicami, migracji i azylu”, [w:] Agnieszka Legucka (red.) Polska prezydencja wobec wyzwań współczesnej Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa: Diffin 2012, in Polish.
- "Making the impossible possible. The prospects for visa-free regime betweent the eU and its Eastern partners”, OSW 2012.
- „Koncepcja zintegrowanego zarządzania granicami a Partnerstwo Wschodnie UE”, [w:] Agnieszka Bryc, Agnieszka Legucka, Agata Włodkowska-Bagan (red.), Bezpieczeństwo obszaru poradzieckiego. Księga poświęcona pamięci Profesora Kazimierza Malaka, Warszawa: Diffin 2011, s. 175-190, in Polish.
- „Sprawa Julii Tymoszenko”, Nowa Europa Wschodnia, nr 6, 2011, s. 45-52, in Polish.
- „Wizowy rubikon”, Nowa Europa Wschodnia, nr 2, 2011, s. 101-107, in Polish.
- „Visa Action Plan for Ukraine: Assessment of Ukrainian Readiness”, OSW Commentaries, January 2011.
- "Ukraine Co-Operation with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) Programme", [in:] Effective Response to Irregular Transit Migration in Ukraine, Vienna: GDISC ERIT, April 2010, pp. 77-79.
- "The mobility of labour force in the context of EU-Ukraine Free Trade Area", [in:] Consequences for Poland of creation of EU-Ukraine Free Trade Area, OSW Working Paper, April 2009, pp.110-119, in Polish.
- "Migration Processes between Poland and Ukraine: Regional Perspective", paper presented at CEME/FES workshop, Przemysl, September 2007.
- "The Consequences of Migration Movements for post-Soviet Area", Battleship Koszykowa, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2007, pp. 276-299 (in Polish).
- “Russian-German Cooperation in the JHA Area and Cooperation of Intelligence Services” (in:) Russian-German relations in 1998-2005, Warsaw CES 2006, (co-author).
- “Borders in Post-Soviet Space: Common Challenges”, [in:] Security Challenges in the Post-Soviet Space: European and Asian Perspective, Warsaw-Sapporo: Polish Institute for Foreign Affairs, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University 2007, pp. 165-185.
- Schengen Eastward expansion: perspectives for Ukraine and Belarus, paper presented at the conference "Ukraine-Belarus, a Challenge for the West", John Cabot University, Rome 2006.
- Co-author of the study on External Dimension of EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in relation to Russia commissioned by European Parliament’s Committee of Foreign Affairs, September 2006.
- "New NATO Role in CIS Area", Warsaw: OSW 2004 (part I), Warsaw: OSW 2005