Mateusz Chudziak
Mateusz Chudziak
Research Fellow
Former OSW Employee

Graduate of International Relations: Eastern Studies in Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. Ph.D. candidate in The Instutute of the Eastern Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University.


Internal and foreign policy of Turkey

Major publications

Troublesome guests. Turkey’s plans regarding the Syrian refugee issue, OSW Commentary, 09.10.2019

Cadres decide everything – Turkey’s reform of its military, OSW Commentary, 26.06.2018

The coup as a founding myth. The ideological pillars of the New Turkey, Point of View, 13.10.2017 

My enemy’s enemy – Turkey’s stance on Islamic State, OSW Commentary, 24.02.2016

Circassian National Movement: Emigration, Diaspora, Transnationalism, „Nationalities Affairs – New Series, 46/2015, pp. 123-136 (in Polish)

The Russian-Turkish relations Since  2002 r., [in:] Russia in XXI Century. Threats, Challanges, Perspectives, A. Stryjakowaska, M. Studenna-Skrukwa (ed.), Poznań 2014, pp. 59-71 (in Polish)