Michał Kędzierski
Michał Kędzierski
Research Fellow
Department for Germany and Northern Europe

Senior research fellow in the Department for Germany and Northern Europe, staff member of the Center for Eastern Studies since 2019. Previously editorial team member for the German Bulletin (“Biuletyn Niemiecki”), published by the Centre for International Relations and Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, expert on German affairs at the Centre For International Initiatives in Warsaw (“Centrum Inicjatyw Międzynarodowych”) and editor at „Portal Spraw Zagranicznych“. 

A graduate of the Institute of International Relations at the Warsaw University. In 2016, he participated in IPS scholarship (Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium) at the German Bundestag.

  • Germany’s energy and climate policy
  • Decarbonisation process in the transport and industry sectors