Paulina Uznańska
Paulina Uznańska
Research Fellow
China Department

An analyst in the China Team working on modern technologies and EU-China relations. Previously, Paulina worked at the Asia Research Centre of the War Studies University (Poland), where she researched Chinese technological and economic growth. She is also pursuing a PhD in law at the University of Warsaw's Doctoral School of Social Sciences. Her dissertation on China’s Internet governance is supervised by Professor Rogier Creemers from Leiden University. She graduated with honours from Peking University (China Studies: Economics and Management) and the University of Warsaw (Chinese Studies), as well as from the Warsaw School of Economics (Global Business, Finance and Governance). Paulina is a co-founder of the Polish Research Centre for Law and Economy of China at the University of Warsaw and a fellow of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. She co-edits monographs in Chinese ("New Technologies and Law 新科技与法律", Scholar 2022) and translates from Mandarin ("China-Central and Eastern Europe. A History of Literary Interactions," Dialog 2020).

  • EU-China relations
  • China’s domestic digital technology policy
  • China’s role in global tech affairs