Rafał Bajczuk
Research Fellow
Former OSW Employee
- Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, University of Warsaw (2014 -)
- Postgraduate studies in Functioning of the Energy Market at the Warsaw School of Economics (2012 - )
- Magister degree in International Relations with specialization in European Integration at the University of Warsaw (2006 – 2011)
- Intern at the Brussels office of German Institute for International Relations and Security Affairs (January – April 2011)
- Climate and energy Policy in Germany
- Climate and energy Policy in the EU
- Economy of Germany
Major publications
- Dependence management. The background of the German gas policy, OSW Report, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), July 2016
- The uncertain future of the coal energy industry in Germany, OSW Commentary no. 188, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), October 2015
- Niemieckie problemy z redukcją emisji CO2, OSW Commentary no. 155, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), December 2014
- Berlin tnie koszty transformacji energetycznej, OSW Commentary no. 145, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), August 2014
- Niemcy: Ukryte koszty wyjścia z atomu, OSW Commentary no. 140, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), June 2014
- Odnawialne źródła energii w Niemczech. Obecny stan rozwoju, grupy interesu i wyzwania, OSW Report, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), June 2014
- Germany’s energy transformation and the coal ‘renaissance’, Baltic Rim Economies: Qualterly Review, Nr 5/2013, Pan-European Institute Turku
- Ochrona klimatu – specjalność niemieckiego eksportu i dyplomacji, OSW Commentary no. 104, the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), April 2013
- Poland - a rising engine of European integration, Polish foreign policy and the EU membership, Working Paper FG 1, 2011/Nr. 04, October 2011, SWP Berlin