Robert Pszczel
Robert Pszczel
Senior Fellow
Security and Defence Department

Senior Fellow in Security and Defence Department. Former diplomat with many years of service in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, both in Warsaw and in Brussels. Member of the national team for accession talks with NATO in 1997, Political Counsellor at the Polish Permanent Delegation to NATO. From 1999 (until his retirement in 2020) an international civil servant at the NATO’s International Staff in Brussels. He worked in the Press Office and in different capacities in NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division. Between 2010 and 2015 he was the Director of the NATO Information Office in Moscow.

Previously Resident Fellow at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, member of the editorial board of the Polish Diplomatic Review published by PISM, collaborator with the Defence24 portal, independent expert and writer, contributing numerous publications for a variety of think-tanks and institutions in Poland and abroad. Lectured at different courses and academic establishments, including NATO Defence College in Rome, College of Europe in Natolin, European Academy of Diplomacy. Frequent media commentator for Polish and foreign news outlets in Polish, English, Russian and French.

Graduate of the London School of Economics and the Warsaw University.

  • international and European security and defence policy
  • transatlantic security relations, in particular in the framework of NATO
  • Russian domestic and foreign policy
  • strategic communications and fight against disinformation
  • hybrid threats
Major publications