Ryszarda Formuszewicz
Senior Fellow
Former OSW Employee

A graduate of law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and comparative law at Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn, Germany. She joined the Centre for Eastern Studies in 2019. Prior to that, she worked for the Institute for Western Affairs (1999-2009), the Polish Institute of International Affairs (2009-2014) and the National Security Bureau (Department of Strategic Analyses). In 2016-2017 she was a seconded project coordinator for the Genshagen Foundation.

  • Germany’s foreign policy
  • Germany in Europe
  • Franco-German cooperation
  • The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
  • Polish-German relations
Major publications
  • Im Westen was Neues? Der deutsch-französische Vertrag von Aachen aus polnischer Perspektive, in: Frankreich Jahrbuch 2019 „Der Aachener Vertrag und das Deutsch-Französische Parlamentsabkommen“, Springer VS 2020, pp. 59-68 
  • Germany and the decade of the crisis 2008-2017, in: Marek Aleksander Cichocki (ed.), “Contemporary States and Crisis of the Western Order”, Peter Lang 2020; pp. 101-135
  • Heading for New Shores with Mutiny on Board: The AfD in the European Parliament, in: “The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs” 2/2015, pp. 45-58 co-authored with Dorota Liszczyk: The Staffing Policy of the European External Action Service—Stocktaking Ahead of the 2013 Review, “The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs” 1/2013, p. 139-160
  • Waiting for Germany’s European Choices, “The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs”, 2013, nr 2, pp. 5-10
  • Poland’s Policy towards Germany, in: “Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy” 2010, pp. 94-114 co-authored with Jakub Kumoch: The Practice of Appointing the Heads of EU Delegations in the Wake of Council Decision on the European External Action Service, PISM Report, Warszawa 2010