Senior Fellow at the Department for Turkey, Caucasus and Central Asia at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). He was previously a Board Member at the Solidarity Fund PL and a diplomat – I Secretary and then Counsellor – at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Baku, Azerbaijan. He was also an expert for the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia in 2008. Visiting lecturer in the Centre for East European Studies, University of Warsaw and Foreign Policy Study, The Polish Institute of International Affairs among others. He co-operates with a number of Polish reviews: “Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, “New Eastern Europe”, “Tygiel Kultury” and “Nowe Książki” among others. He completed his doctoral studies at the Graduate School for Social Research (at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), graduate of the Faculty of Humanities at the Catholic University of Lublin (M.A. in History) and the Faculty of Journalism and Political Sciences at the University of Warsaw (M.A. in Journalism). Books: “Łódź. Miasto po przejściach” (Łódź Has Gone Through a Lot, co-author: Bartosz Józefiak, Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2020), “Buran. Kirgiz wraca na koń” (Buran. The Kyrgyz Mounts Again, Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2018), “Abchazja” (Abkhazia, Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2013, 2017, 2022), “Toast za przodków” (A Toast to the Ancestors, Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2010, 2017), “Planeta Kaukaz” (Planet Caucasus, PWN, 2002, Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2010, 2017, 2021), “La terra del vello d`oro. Viaggi in Georgia” (The Land of the Golden Fleece. Journeys to Georgia. Bollati Boringhieri, 2009), “Łódź przeżyła katharsis” (Łódź Has Gone Through Catharsis, Biblioteka „Tygla Kultury”, 1998).
- Internal and foreign policy of the South Caucasus countries
- The North Caucasus
- The countries of post-Soviet Central Asia
- The EU’s ambivalent neighbours. Brussels on the South Caucasus, OSW Commentary, no. 582, 15 March 2024
- Georgia. Borderland of Europe, [in:] Slanted Armenia/Armenia, edited by: Rene Wawrzkiewicz, Lars Harmsen, Markus Lange, Slanted Publishers, Dortmund 2024., pp. 10-11
- * ‘Reportaż jako narzędzie poznawania świata: luźne obserwacje reportera’ [Narrative Report as Tool to Explore the World: Handful of Reporter`s Thoughts], [in:] Między tekstem a kulturą. Z zagadnień interpretacyjnych, edited by: Aleksandra R. Knapik, Piotr P. Chruszczewski, Academic Publishing, San Diego 2024, pp. 20–27
- * ‘Co z tą Rosją? Raport reporterów’ [What`s with This Russia? Reporters` Report] (Wojciech Śmieja oraz Wojciech Górecki, Renata Lis, Jędrzej Morawiecki, Zbigniew Rokita, Ludwika Włodek), Fabrica Litterarum, no. 1/2024
No special status, no Armenians? The prospects for Nagorno-Karabakh in a unitary Azerbaijan, OSW Commentary, no. 535, 30 August 2023
- The undeclared war. A new phase of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict (co-author: Krzysztof Strachota), OSW Commentary, no. 496, 6 March 2023
- Tokayev’s Perestroika. Kazakhstan in the face of internal and external challenges, OSW Commentary, no. 456, 21 June 2022
- Having your cake and eating it. Georgia, the war in Ukraine and integration with the West, OSW Commentary, no. 454, 7 June 2022
- 'OBWE na Kaukazie Południowym: czas przeszły niedokonany?’ [OSCE in the South Caucasus: the imperfect past tense], Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny, no. 2/2022
- * ‘Trzydziestoletnia podróż z Moskwy do Rygi’ [Thirty Years Journey from Moscow to Riga], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 6/2021
- * 'Kaukaz Południowy w systemie międzynarodowym i polskiej polityce wschodniej' [South Caucasus in the International System and in Polish Eastern Policy; comment in editorial survey], Sprawy Międzynarodowe, no 4/2021
- The Caucasus deregulated. The region on the anniversary of the end of the second Karabakh war (co-author: Krzysztof Strachota), OSW Commentary, no. 418, 26 November 2021
- The (pan-)Turkic Caucasus. The Baku-Ankara alliance and its regional importance (co-author: Mateusz Chudziak), OSW Commentary, no. 374, 1 February 2021
- * 'Kultura jako źródło porozumienia' [Culture as a Source of Rapport; the interview], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 5/2020
- The Gordian Knot of the Caucasus. The Conflict Over Nagorno-Karabakh, OSW, Warsaw 2020
- The Autumn of the (Georgian) Patriarch. The Role of the Orthodox Church in Georgia and in Georgian Politics’, OSW Commentary, no. 332, 18 May 2020
- * ‘Dziennik tematów wschodnich’ [Journal of Eastern Topics], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 6/2019
- * 'Wywiad z Nazarbajewem' [Interview with Nazarbayev], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 3–4/2019
- * ‘Rok 2018 na Kaukazie Południowym. To przyszła młodość’ [The Year 2018 in South Caucasus – the Year of the Youth], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 2/2019
- * ‘Semipałatyńsk. Sprawy nieludzkie’ [Semipalatinsk. Beyond Endurance ], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 1/2019
- ‘Politics of Memory in Independent Georgia. Selected Aspects’, Institute of National Remembrance Review, no. 1/2019
- A Revolution in Instalments. Whither Pashinyan’s Armenia now?’, OSW Commentary, no. 285, 10 September 2018
- ‘Traces of Soviet Union’, New Eastern Europe, no. 5/2017
- * ‘W poszukiwaniu ukrytego orientalizmu’ [In Search of Hidden Orientalism], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 3–4/2017
- * ‘Moje Baku’ [My Baku], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 6/2016
- Peninsula As an Island. Crimea in Its Third Year Since Annexation, OSW, Warsaw 2016
- * ‘Koniec abchaskiego złudzenia’ [The End of Abkhasian Illusion], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, no. 5/2015
- ‘Abkhazia’s ‘Creeping’ Incorporation. The End of the Experiment of a Separatist Democracy’, OSW Commentary, no. 164, 12 March 2015
- Ever Further from Moscow. Russia's Stance on Central Asia, OSW, Warsaw 2014
- No Change in the Russian Caucasus. The Winter Olympics Amid a Local War, OSW, Warsaw 2014
- ‘'Creeping' Civil War in the North Caucasus’, OSW Commentary, no. 50, 15 March 2011
- ‘Russia's Position on the Events in Kyrgyzstan (April – June 2010)’, OSW Commentary, no. 38, 27 July 2010
- * ‘Przemiany islamu na Kaukazie Północno-Zachodnim w okresie poradzieckim’ [Transformations of Islam in North-West Caucasus in the Post-Soviet Era], [in:] Okręt Koszykowa, edited by: Jacek Borkowicz, Jacek Cichocki i Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, PWN, Warszawa 2007, pp. 217–24
* Publications available in Polish only
- Wieczne państwo. Opowieść o Kazachstanie [The Eternal State. A tale on Kazakhstan], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2024
- Łódź. Miasto po przejściach [Łódź Has Gone Through a Lot], co-author: Bartosz Józefiak, Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2020
- Buran. Kirgiz wraca na koń [Buran. The Kyrgyz Mounts Again], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2018
- Abchazja [Abkhazia], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2013. Translated into Georgian and Ukrainian
- Toast za przodków [A Toast to the Ancestors], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2010. Translated into Chinese, Czech, Georgian and Ukrainian
- Planeta Kaukaz [Planet Caucasus], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2010. Translated into Georgian, Slovak and Italian
- La terra del vello d`oro. Viaggi in Georgia [The Land of the Golden Fleece. Journeys to Georgia], Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2009
- Łódź przeżyła katharsis [Łódź Has Gone Through Catharsis], Biblioteka „Tygla Kultury”, Łódź 1998