What can change after the launch of local border traffic? Prospects for cooperation with the Kaliningrad oblast

The Polish-Russian agreement on local border traffic between Poland’s northern voivodships and the Kaliningrad oblast entered into force on 27 July. On this occasion the Centre for Eastern Studies has organised a seminar dedicated to the analysis of the situation in the Kaliningrad oblast, the possible consequences of the local border traffic agreement and the search of a model for cooperation between the EU and the Kaliningrad region which would account for both the area’s potential and its limitations. 

The seminar was also an occasion to present OSW’s recent publication “A captive island: Kaliningrad between Moscow and the EU” which contains an analysis of the situation in the region and recommendations for EU partners concerning suggested areas for prospective cooperation with the region based on both federal and regional level contacts.

The meeting was attended by:
Anna Tulej, deputy director of the Department of European Union and International Cooperation at the Ministry of the Interior
Tadeusz Baryła, expert at the Eastern Studies Centre at the Wojciech Kętrzyński Scientific Research Centre in Olsztyn
Iwona Wiśniewska, expert at the Russian Department, Centre for Eastern Studies
Moderator: Adam Eberhardt, deputy director of the Centre for Eastern Studies.