Marcin Kaczmarski
, Ph.D.
Former OSW Employee
2014 till present – Head of the China-EU Programme, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
2012-2013 – visiting scholar, Aberystwyth University
2006-2012 – analyst in the Russian Department, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
2003 till present – lecturer, Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw
- foreign and security policy of Russia
- Russia-China relations
- China’s foreign policy
Major publications
- Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order, Routledge (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies), forthcoming March 2015
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- ‘Domestic Power Relations and Russia’s Foreign Policy’, Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, vol. 22, no. 3, 2014, pp. 383-409
- ‘Domestic Sources of Russia’s China Policy’’, Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 59, no. 2, March–April 2012, pp. 3-17
- ‘Which Rules for the Global Order? The Global Dimension of the Russian-EU Relationship – The Case of International Crises’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 159-174
- The Bear watches the Dragon. The Russian debate on China, OSW Point of View 31, Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), February 2013
- The fragile ‘reset’. The balance and the prospects for changes in Russian-US relations, OSW Policy Brief 24, Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), April 2011
- The Russian Factor in the Policy of the European Union Towards International Crises, Natolin Paper 36, Warsaw: Natolin European Centre, 2009
- Russia’s Revisionist Policy towards the West, OSW Studies 33, Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), December 2009,
- The Asian alternative? Russia’s chances of making Asia an alternative to relations with the West, OSW Policy Brief 16, Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), June 2008,
- Kosovo before the final decision. Regulating Kosovo’s international status - historical & political conditions and prospects for future developments, OSW Studies 27, Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), February 2008 (co-author)
Analyses and reports:
- ‘Russland schaut auf China’, Russland-Analysen, No. 260, 28 June 2013
- ‘Russia’s policy towards Asia: more words than deeds’, OSW Commentary, September 2012
- ‘Russia’s development cooperation’, OSW Commentary, October 2011
- ‘Russia’s Middle Eastern policy after the ‘Arab revolutions’, OSW Commentary, July 2011
- ‘Poland-Russia: what limits of rapprochement?’, Russkii vopros, 3/2010
- Foreign policy at the service of modernization: old wine in a new wineskin, OSW Commentary, Issue 39, Warsaw, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), 31 August 2010
- Das »Post-START«-Abkommen: Beweggründe und Auswirkungen, Russland-Analysen, No. 189, 9 October 2009
- ‘The “post-START” Treaty: goals and implications’, Russian Analytical Digest, No. 66
- Iran’s position in Russia’s foreign policy and Russian-American relations, OSW Commentary, Issue 24, Warsaw, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), 15 April 2009
- Russian expectations towards Obama administration, OSW Commentary, Issue 17, Warsaw, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), 22 January 2009
- The Russian proposal for a new European security system, OSW Commentary, Issue 11, Warsaw, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), 16 October 2008
- CIS Countries’ Interests vis-à-vis the European Union and its Eastern Policy, CASE Network Studies & Analyses, No. 365/2008
- Consequences of the war with Georgia, OSW Commentary, Issue 8, Warsaw, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), 9 September 2008
- The European Union and Russia 2004-2007, Warsaw, Center for International Relations, 2007 (co-author)
- ‘Wen Jiabao’s Visit to Moscow Fails to Resolve Problems in Russian-Chinese Economic Relations’, Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 9, No. 22, 14 November 2007
- ‘Russia Attempts to Limit Chinese Influence by Promoting CSTO-SCO Cooperation’, Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 9, No. 20, 17 October 2007
- Russia’s policy towards the European Union, Report of the Center of International Relations, No. 13, 2005,
- Russia Creates a New Security System to Replace the C.I.S., Power and Interest News Report, 21 December 2005,
Other journal articles:
- ‘The Role of Domestic Politics in a State’s Foreign Policy’, Stosunki Międzynarodowe-International Relations, tom 50, nr 2, ss. 317-328
- “A 180-Degree Shift”, New Eastern Europe, No. 3 (XII)/2014
- “Russia vs. Central Europe: “Not-so-far foreign land” or part of the West?”, Aspen Review Central Europe, 2012
- ‘The Flawed Empire’, New Eastern Europe, No. 1(II)/2012 (co-author)