As part of the work carried out by the Think Visegrad consortium, on 15 Jul 2013 a discussion meeting dedicated to the macro-regional development and territorial cohesion took place at OSW. Our guests included the participants of the research project (Macro-regional development and territorial cohesion – selected spatial aspects): Vít Dostál from the Association for International Affairs (AMO) in Prague,Péter Reményi, PhD from the Institute of Geography of the University of Pécs and Tomáš Strážay, PhD from the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA).
The Visegrad co-operation in the field of spatial planning was presented by Dr Magdalena Belof from the Wrocław University of Technology, who participated in the work on the Common spatial development document of the V4+2 countries as an expert of the Polish Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy.
Among those who attended the meeting were: Dr Zbigniew Krużyński, the national coordinator of Visegrad cooperation in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kinga Stańczuk-Olejnik from the Department of Spatial Development Policy at the Polish Ministry of Regional Development, Martin Svárovský – deputy chief of the Czech Mission in Poland and Tomasz Stępniewski, PhD from the Institute of East-Central Europe in Lublin.
The work of the Think Visegrad consortium – V4 Think Tank Platform is financed by the International Visegrad Fund.