Think Visegrad platform on energy security

On January 25, 2011 Centre for Eastern Studies in cooperation with RC SFPA, PSSI and CENS CEU organized in Prague a meeting of the working group on energy security. It was held as a part of the new expert initiative "Think Visegrad: V4 Think-Tank Platform", supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The inaugural meeting was attended by experts from research centers, state administration and industry companies from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. The team's aim is to strengthen the exchange of views on energy security issues in the region. The meeting served to develop recommendations for the Visegrad Group and a joint opinion addressed to the European Commission as part of public consultations regarding the communication "The future role of regional initiatives".

The discussion focused on issues of developing infrastructure connections (with particular emphasis on the North-South corridor) and regulations aimed at creating the regional energy market. Matters related to the security of gas and oil supplies and the possibilities of cooperation of the Visegrad Group countries in the field of energy and climate policy in relation to the implementation of the EU 20/20/20 goals were also discussed.