Slovakia and the Slovak question in Polish and Hungarian documents (1938–1939)

On 29 November OSW hosted an event devoted to the presentation of the publication entitled “Slovakia and the Slovak question in Polish and Hungarian diplomatic documents in 1938–1939”, issued by the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Speakers in the panel discussion included: Dr Dušan Segeš, head of the volume’s editorial team, Dr Imre Molnár, historian, employee of the Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary; Dr Sławomir Dębski, director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, lecturer at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, and Prof. Stanisław Żerko, lecturer at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, employee of the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań. The debate was moderated by Dr Mateusz Gniazdowski, head of the OSW’s Central European Department. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Slovak Institute, the Hungarian Cultural Institute and the Czech Centre in Warsaw.



The discussed volume of documents [Dušan Segeš, Maroš Hertel, Valerián Bystrický (eds.): Slovensko a slovenská otázka v poľských a maďarských diplomatických dokumentoch v rokoch 1938 – 1939. Bratislava : Spoločnosť pro Historia, 2012. 576 p.) in its electronic version will be available as from January 2014 on the Forum Historiae portal.