OSW wraz z Ministerstwami Spraw Zagranicznych Polski i Słowacji oraz Centrum Badawczym Słowackiego Stowarzyszenia Polityki Zagranicznej (RC SFPA) był współorganizatorem drugiego posiedzenie Polsko-Słowackiego Forum Dyskusyjnego, które odbyło się 18 grudnia 2013 r. w Warszawie. Spotkanie poświęcone było przyszłości Partnerstwa Wschodniego oraz współpracy w planowaniu przestrzennym i rozbudowie infrastruktury transportowej. W dyskusjach panelowych uczestniczyli urzędnicy i eksperci, przedstawiciele ministerstw spraw zagranicznych, Ministerstwa Infrastruktury i Rozwoju RP, Ministerstwa Transportu, Budownictwa i Rozwoju Regionalnego RS, Komisji Europejskiej, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Słowackiej Akademii Nauk oraz ośrodków analitycznych. W rozmowach wziął udział sekretarz stanu w słowackim Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych i Europejskich Peter Burian i podsekretarz stanu w MSZ RP Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, która podczas otwarcia obrad wręczyła odznakę Bene Merito Alexandrowi Dulebie, dyrektorowi RC SFPA. Pierwsze spotkanie Forum, współorganizowane przez RC SFPA i OSW, odbyło się w zeszłym roku w Bratysławie.
2nd Polish-Slovak Discussion Forum
Strategic planning within the scope of the Polish-Slovak neighbourhood
18th December 2013 Przezdzieckich Palace, ul. Foksal 6, Warsaw
The meeting will focus on two topics:
- the role of strategic and spatial planning as well as transport infrastructure to strengthen Polish-Slovak cooperation, also in the broader context of building cohesion and sustainable development in the Central Europe;
- the Eastern Partnership after the Vilnius Summit.
9.00 Opening
Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Peter Burian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Presentation of Bene Merito distinction to Alexander Duleba.
9.15 – 10.30 I Panel
Eastern Partnership
The future of the cooperation between the EU and EaP countries after the Vilnius Summit and under the “southern” presidencies of Italy and Greece.
Opening statement:
Peter Burian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Introductory remarks:
Beata Pęksa, Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership, MFA PL
Dušan Dacho, Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership, MFEA SK
Adam Eberhardt, Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Alexander Duleba, Director, Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association
Moderator: Peter Lizák, Director, Department of Analysis and Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Coffee break
10.45 – 12.30 II Panel
Spatial planning. The role of the Polish-Slovak neighbourhood in Central Europe
Trans-border discontinuities in development axes in Central Europe, conclusions for Poland and Slovakia from the common document on spatial planning V4+2. Polish and Slovak perception of the need of territorial cohesion, the hierarchy of priorities. Neighbourhood of Poland and Slovakia in the national spatial development concepts. Common interests and discrepancies, implications for cooperation in the EU. Possibilities of using of the EU instruments: macro-regional strategies (EUSDR, EUSBSR), territorial cooperation, operational programmes of trans-border cooperation 2014-2020.
Introductory remarks:
Tomasz Komornicki, Marek Więckowski, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences (presentation in PDF format)
Marián Hanták, Head of Unit, Department of Roads, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, SK
Anna Świątecka-Wrona, Deputy Head of the Polish-Slovak working group on spatial planning and construction, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, PL
Vladimír Székely, Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Moderator: Magdalena Belof, Deputy Director, Institute for Territorial Development, Wrocław
13.30 – 15.15 III Panel
Infrastructure and plans of transport development in Polish-Slovak relations
The role of the Polish-Slovak frontier in transport development on the North-South axis. Polish-Slovak connections in the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). Elements of the Corridors: Baltic-Adriatic, Via Carpatia, CETC in national transport development strategies.
The state of the road and railway infrastructure, public transport on the Polish-Slovak borderland: development needs and perspectives. Plans of local/regional road network development on the borderland and local railway connections. Financing of the infrastructure and trans-border connections. The infrastructural dimension of the joint candidature for organising the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
Introductory remarks:
Anna Midera, Acting Director, Department of Transport Policy and International Cooperation, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, PL (presentation in PPT format)
Marián Hanták, Head of Unit, Department of Roads, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, SK
Anna Krukowska, Counsellor, Transport Policy Section, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU, Brussels
Katarína Kilianová, Transport Research Institute, Žilina (presentation in PDF format)
Paweł Stelmaszczyk, Head of Unit C.3: Intelligent Transport Systems, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission (presentation in PPT format)
Moderator: Piotr Rosik, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, PAS
15.15.-15.30 CLOSING REMARKS
Peter Lizák, Director, Department of Analysis and Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Tomasz Chłoń, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Slovak Republic
2nd Polish-Slovak Discussion Forum
List of participants:
- Peter Burian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
- Vladislav Chlipala, 1st Secretary, Embassy of the Slovak Republic, Warsaw
- Dušan Dacho, Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership, MFEA
- Alexander Duleba, Director, Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association
- Vasil Grivna, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Warsaw
- Marián Hanták, Head of Unit, Department of Roads, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development
- Lukas Kajan, Attaché, Embassy of the Slovak Republic, Warsaw
- Katarína Kilianová, Trasport Research Institute, Žilina.
- Stanislav Kučírek, President, Slovak-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Žilina
- Michal Lánik, Desk Officer, Department for Neighbouring Countries, Bulgaria, Romania and Baltic States, MFEA
- Peter Lizák, Director, Department of Strategic Planning and Analysis, MFEA
- Juraj Marušiak, Institute of Political Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Nikoleta Matušková, Desk Officer, Department of Strategic Planning and Analysis, MFEA
- Peter Petian, Director, Office of the State Secretary, MFEA
- Karol Smetana, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Slovak Republic, Warsaw
- Tomáš Strážay, Senior Researcher, Central and South-Eastern Europe Program, Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association
- Vladimír Székely, Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Paweł Stelmaszczyk, Head of Unit C.3: Intelligent Transport Systems, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
2nd Polish-Slovak Discussion Forum
List of participants:
- Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Magdalena Belof, Deputy Director, Institute for Territorial Development, Wroclaw
- Tomasz Chłoń, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Bratislava
- Ewa Dębska, Deputy Director, European Policy Department, MFA
- Adam Eberhardt, Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
- Mateusz Gniazdowski, Head of Central European Department, OSW
- Jakub Groszkowski, Senior Fellow, Central European Department, OSW
- Justyna Jakubowska, Head of Program Section South, Territorial Cooperation Department, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
- Maciej Jaszczuk, Chief Specialist, Department of Transport Policy and International Cooperation, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
- Dariusz Kałan, Central Europe analyst, Polish Institute of International Affairs
- Jakub Kapturzak, Deputy Director, Railway Department, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
- Joanna Klepacka, Desk Officer, European Policy Department, MFA
- Tomasz Komornicki, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Anna Krukowska, Counsellor, PL Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels
- Anna Midera, Acting Director, Department of Transport Policy and International Cooperation, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
- Andrzej Osiak, Head of Central Europe Section, European Policy Department, MFA
- Beata Pęksa, Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership, MFA
- Piotr Rosik, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Piotr Samerek, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Bratislava
- Anna Świątecka-Wrona, Deputy Head of the Polish-Slovak working group on spatial planning and construction, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
- Marek Więckowski, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences