Seminar “The EU-Russia relations with Ukraine in the background”

On 14 February a seminar entitled “The EU-Russia relations with Ukraine in the background” took place. It was organised jointly by “New Eastern Europe” and the Centre for Eastern Studies. The debate was attended by Wawrzyniec Smoczyński (chief editor of Polityka Insight, head of the foreign department in the Polityka weekly), Michał Potocki (journalist of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, collaborator of NEW) and dr Olaf Osica (director of OSW), and moderated by dr Adam Eberhardt (deputy director of OSW).

During the seminar the discussions focused on the issue whether the perception of Russia in European capitals is changing and how. The debate participants also tried to find answers to the questions of Russia’s potential to disturb European interests, intra-European divisions concerning Eastern policy and the evolution of the EU’s policy towards Eastern Europe in recent months.