Balkans between the European Union and Russia: area of competition or cooperation?

On 24 November the Centre for Eastern Studies and the Office of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland organised a seminar dedicated to South-Eastern Europe.

The seminar was officially opened by the Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Jacek Michałowski. The meeting was attended by Prof. Krassen Stanchev from the University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Prof. Dimitri Sotiropoulos from the ELIAMEP think tank (Greece), Alina Inayeh, director of the Black Sea Trust (Romania), Milan Pajević, director of the ISAC Fund (Serbia), Alida Vračić, director of the non-governmental organisation Populari (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Ana Maria Boromisa, department head at The Institute for Development and International Relations (Croatia), as well as representatives of Polish state administration and think tanks. The seminar was devoted to the challenges to the process of democratisation and economic development in South-Eastern Europe. Potential areas of cooperation between Poland and the region’s states have also been discussed. After the seminar our guests took part in a public debate on the role of the EU and Russia in the Balkans entitled “Balkans between the European Union and Russia: area of competition or cooperation?”.