Meeting with the delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czech Chamber of Deputies

On 16 December Karel Schwarzenberg, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Deputy Head of the Committee Jana Fischerová and Deputies Pavel Plzák and Václav Zemek paid a visit to OSW. The delegation was accompanied by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland Jakub Karfík and several Czech diplomats. The meeting was devoted to Russia’s policy, the situation in Ukraine and the prospects for cooperation between the Central European states in granting support to Ukraine. The debate was also attended by Deputy Director of OSW Adam
Eberhardt, Head of OSW’s Central European Department Mateusz
Gniazdowski, who at the same time performs the function of the Head of the Programme Council of the Polish-Czech Forum, and Witold Rodkiewicz from OSW’s Russian Department.