V4 seminar in Sarajevo

On 29 May 2015 in Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, OSW organized a kick-off seminar inaugurating the launch of a research project co-funded by the International Visegrad Fund and carried out in cooperation with partner organizations from the V4 countries, entitled: Current state of stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Possible Intensified V4 Contribution. The representatives of the Embassies of the V4 countries and EU Delegation in Sarajevo took part in the seminar along with analysts and researchers from our partner organization from V4 countries as well as local experts. The invited speakers and guests were discussing whether full entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) on 1 July 2015 and the new EU-BiH agenda focus on economic recovery accelerate of the implementation of the necessary reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The speakers emphasized that the new EU strategy should go together with new communication strategy developed by EU to promote the advantages of reform agenda and inform about the challenges this implies to the citizen of BiH – especially on local level – to gain support of wider public. The question stability of the governments both on central and entities level and their commitments and an ability to make progress on this broader reform was also discussed. As for the relation of BiH and V4 special emphasis was put on economy and infrastructure. The project partners of the OSW in this project are Institute of International Relations from Czech Republic, GEO Research from Hungary and the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA). From the OSW the seminar was attended by the project coordinator Marta Szpala and the head of the Central European Department Mateusz Gniazdowski.