A study visit by Moldovan civil servants

Between 29 November 2015 and 5 December 2015, OSW, in cooperation with the Institute of East-Central Europe in Lublin, organised a study visit to Poland by Moldovan civil servants. The Moldovan delegation included representatives of the state Agency for Interventions and Payment for Agriculture – Valeriu Iasan, Sandu Samatailo and Svitlana Staver. They attended a series of meetings focused on experiences connected with supporting the development of agriculture and the food production sector.

The agenda of the visit to Warsaw included a seminar with OSW analysts, a meeting with Waldemar Sochaczewski, director of the International Cooperation Office at the Agricultural Market Agency, previously advisor to the Moldovan Minister of Agriculture and Food Production Industry appointed by the EU and UNDP, as well as a seminar attended by representatives of ministries and institutions involved in servicing development loans. The speakers included Arkadiusz Goc from the Guarantee Department at the Ministry of Finance, Elżbieta Bodio – deputy director of the Department for Promotion and Bilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of the Economy and Przemysław Zasieczny – head of the Unit for Servicing Debts and Liabilities at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.

During their stay in Warsaw, the Moldovan guests held talks with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: deputy director of the International Cooperation Department Monika Tyska, director of the Finance Department Agnieszka Szelągowska, head of the Unit for CIS states Agnieszka Wojciechowska, and with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – including experts from the Development Cooperation Department, the Eastern Department and the Economic Cooperation Department. The guests from Moldova also met Wojciech Rzewuski, deputy director of the Mazovian Agricultural Advice Centre and Dorota Śwircz of the Association of Polish Exporters.

In Lublin, the Moldovan guests held talks with Robert Żyśko and Jacek Warda from the Department for Strategy and Investor Relations of the Lublin Municipal Office, and in the Lubelskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office they talked with Dorota Skwarek from the Regional Policy Department. The delegation also held meetings with representatives of companies from Lubelskie Voivodeship which produce agricultural machines.

The study visit was organised as part of the Civil Servants Mobility Program – Moldova” project funded by the International Visegrad Fund. Similar visits by Moldovan civil servants, organised by centres associated in the Think Visegrad consortium, were organised simultaneously in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. This was another initiative under the IVF programme which fosters exchange of experiences between experts and civil servants from the Visegrad Group states and the Eastern Partnership states.


We would like to extend our thanks to all individuals and institutions that supported us in carrying out the project.