OSW-Brookings seminar

On 17-18 May in Warsaw the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in cooperation with the American think-tank Brookings Institution organized a seminar “Lessons from the Ukraine Conflict for European and Western Capabilities”. Topics discussed during the seminar included trans-Atlantic relations, the role of the USA in ensuring Europe’s security and NATO’s adaptability to new challenges and threats after the Russian-Ukrainian war. Additionally, the debates focused on the European Global Strategy and on strengthening military capabilities and military cooperation between European states.

The meeting was attended by experts from analytical centres from Poland (OSW, PISM), the USA (Brookings, GMF, RAND), Germany (DGAP, SWP) and other countries (UI, Chatham House, CEPI), as well as by representatives of state administration institutions (MFA, MoD, National Security Bureau). The debates were preceded by introductory speeches by Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Defence, Tomasz Szatkowski, and NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Jamie Shea.