EU-STRAT Project Kick-off Conference

“The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment” conference was held on June 8-10 in Berlin. The event – which took place with participation of OSW experts – marked the official inauguration of the international, three-year (lasting from May 2016 until April 2019) research project - EU-STRAT. The project goal is to study the relationship between the European Union and the countries in the European Eastern neighbourhood.  It is financed from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The main aim of the conference  was to give members of EU-STRAT consortium (including OSW) an  opportunity to discuss current challenges for European Neighbourhood and possible strategies to overcome them. This event was also intended to spread awareness about the project among academia and civil society representatives, among others.

The conference begun with the round table entitled  ‘Looking Inside-out: Strategies for Transforming the Neighbourhood’ which was held on 8 June in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Berlin.  The round table featured Andrius Kubilius (former prime minister of the Republic of Lithuania)  and  Emma Udwin (Deputy Head of Cabinet, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission), among others. Discussion was moderated by Tanja A. Börzel (Freie Universität Berlin, EU-STRAT coordinator).


On the project website you can find also: