Since 2014 the Think Visegrad consortium (of which OSW is a member) has been organising study visits in Visegrad Group countries for Ukrainian civil servants. From 20th-26th November we hosted nine representatives of Ukrainian local government in Poland, from the Volyn, Lviv and Zakarpattia oblasts. This study visit was devoted to cross-border cooperation on the Polish-Czech-German border area, with attention paid to the instruments, mechanisms and best practices which could also be useful for developing border cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of the EU.
The Ukrainian delegation held talks in the MFA’s Eastern Department, in the Ministry of Development and in institutions involved in cross-border cooperation in Lower Silesia and the Polish-Czech border area, e.g. in Liberec. On 21st November, before the group’s departure to Lower Silesia, the Ukrainian delegation took part in a meeting in OSW with the participation of the Ministry of the Interior, the MFA, the Ukrainian Embassy, the German Embassy, and experts from OSW.
Study visits forming part of the V4 Civil Servants Mobility Program are financed by the International Visegrad Fund and implemented in cooperation with the MFA.