
German entrepreneurs evaluate Poland’s investment attractiveness

On 1 June, the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce published the results of a questionnaire conducted among German entrepreneurs operating in Central and Eastern Europe. According to the data, Poland has been ranked first in the investment attractiveness rating for the second time in a row. The favourable questionnaire results prove Poland’s strong position as a target destination for German investments and will also improve the perception of the Polish economy among German investors.

German chambers of commerce have been conducting similar surveys for four years. Poland has been ranked first, over the past two years, having overtaken the Czech Republic. According to the questionnaire, 90% of the respondents would decide again to locate their investments in Poland. In the opinion of German businessmen, the key factors which determine Poland’s investment attractiveness include EU membership and the workforce’s qualifications, engagement and efficiency. The factors which have a detrimental effect on the image of Poland are the public infrastructure, the fiscal system and related burdens and the inflexible labour law. 31% of respondents have noticed an improvement in Poland’s economic situation, and 32% intend to increase their employment levels. 20% of the respondents expect an increase in orders from Germany this year. The questionnaire results indicate that the number of German investments in Poland, regardless of the economic crisis, will be increasing at a sustainable rate in the next few years. <pop>