
The Federation of Expellees blocked the exhibition on expulsions organised by the NPD

The German Federation of Expellees (BdV) blocked the opening of the exhibition on expulsions organised by the radical NPD party. The exhibition that was to be opened to viewers on 22 January in Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt) included materials from an exhibition prepared 15 years ago by the BdV. By blocking the opening of this exhibition the Federation of Expellees wants to avoid being accused of cooperation with Neo-Nazis.
The exhibition put together in 1996 and entitled “Expulsion of Germans – a chapter of Europe's history that has not been won” told stories of people who escaped or were expelled from the western parts of today's Poland and the Sudetes. These people were presented as a group of World War II’s many victims whose hurt and suffering had been taboo for many years. The materials from this exhibition were acquired by the NPD legally as the BdV reproduced the presented photos, texts and posters and sold them. However, the Federation reserved the rights for the concept of the exhibition, therefore recreating it required the BdV's permission. Despite the fact that the interpretation of the expulsions of Germans after World War II presented by the Federation of Expellees and NDP is similar in many points, the Federation did not grant permission for mounting the exhibition under the banner of the Neo-Nazi party. 
The permission for the Neo-Nazi party to become the spokesperson for the expellees and to use materials gathered by the BdV would almost certainly lead to charges of close cooperation between the two organisations. The BdV does not want to give arguments to its opponents and avoids situations that could link it in any way to the compromised NPD. <ciechan>