
Azerbaijan will increase its gas exports to Iran

On 1 April, a compressor for the gas pipeline from Azerbaijan to Iran was handed over for use, which means the throughput of this route can be increased to up to 1 billion m³ of gas per year. These two countries have thus started to implement the contract they signed this January, which significantly increases the supply of gas from Azerbaijan to Iran. The construction of the compressor and the implementation of the contract are proof that Baku is continuing its policy of diversifying the routes and the customers for its gas.
The new infrastructure enables the supply to be increased from the current rate of 350 million m³ to 1 billion m³ of gas per year. In accordance with the five-year contract signed this January, Azerbaijan will send around 1 billion m³ of gas to Iran this year. In future, the supply levels are to be determined annually, and may reach a maximum of 2 billion m³. Azerbaijan’s investment and the implementation of the contract both mean that Baku is determined to further diversify the routes and the customers for its gas, even with such a difficult partner as Iran (political relations between the two countries have traditionally been tense). Currently, Azerbaijan exports around 6 to 7 billion m³ of gas per year to Georgia, Turkey, Russia and Greece. Baku’s aim is to obtain the greatest possible flexibility in exporting gas, and to strengthen its position for new potential customers, primarily those companies which are interested in importing gas to Europe as part of the Southern Corridor plan (trade negotiations on which are currently in progress). <OLA>