Point of View

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Russia on Macron’s détente initiatives
Cover of the OSW Point of view "Tell me more. Russia on Macron’s détente initiatives"

French President Emmanuel Macron has proclaimed the need to engage in dialogue with Russia and work with it to build an architecture of trust and security in Europe; he has managed to partially revive the channels of communication (especially in the political sphere) between the two countries, and also to deepen and intensify it (mainly on the issues of regional conflicts and advanced technology). Macron has also tried to give this policy a European dimension. However, there has been no positive breakthrough in bilateral relations, and talks have failed to produce significant results. This is due to the attitude of Moscow, which has welcomed the initiatives of the French president, but at the same time has not made his efforts any easier, as it hopes to be able to exploit the divisions within the Western community. Instead it has continued its aggressive foreign policy, with no intention of making concessions in order to normalise relations. Paris’s unwillingness to violate solidarity with its allies, together with its continued participation in the sanctions against Russia, have led to growing exasperation in the Kremlin. Despite this, it appears that Macron will not abandon his attempts to bring about détente in relations with Moscow, which is likely to maintain a passive-reactive attitude towards his efforts.