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Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło
On 28 November, President Vladimir Putin announced the implementation of a programme for assistance to families.
OSW Commentary | | Katarzyna Chawryło
Despite the fact that more than 60 years have passed since the death of Joseph Stalin, the leader of the USSR from 1922 to 1953, the memory of him remains alive. 
OSW Studies | | Katarzyna Chawryło
The Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate plays an essential role in the process of self-identification of the Russian people.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło
The drivers’ protest is one of the largest and most extensive protests by workers on economic grounds in Russia in recent years.
OSW Commentary | | Katarzyna Chawryło, Maria Domańska
The situation of the third sector in Russia, i.e. the civil society structures independent from the state, is worsening on a regular basis.
Analyses | | Maria Domańska, Katarzyna Chawryło
The destruction of the food seems to be a demonstration of Russia’s determination in its ‘sanctions war’ with the West.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło, Jan Strzelecki
The report summarises previous publications on the presence in Ukraine of regular units of the Russian army, mercenaries paid by Russia and Russian military equipment.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło, Witold Rodkiewicz
The Novorossiya movement has been out of the public eye and it is no accident that its reactivation has coincided with an escalation of clashes in Ukraine.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło
Anti-Maidan will probably be used by the Kremlin to quell protests which may arise due to the deteriorating socio-economic situation.
OSW Commentary | | Katarzyna Chawryło
Since the beginning of the ‘Russian Spring’, the Kremlin has fostered active attitudes among the nationalists and solicited their support.